Use "intermarry|intermarried|intermarries|intermarrying" in a sentence

1. But their kin survived and intermarried.

2. A fourth ethnic element interacting and intermarrying are the Thracians (7.3.2).

3. These worshippers of foreign gods intermarried with Israelites who remained in the land.

4. Members of the Tokugawa clan intermarried with prominent daimyo and the Imperial family.

5. The Vikings eventually intermarried with the local people, converting to Christianity in the process.

6. Many a tribe and ruling house has survived by intermarrying with its rivals,(Sentence dictionary) rather than waging war on them.

7. The distinction between Aesir and Vanir is relative, for the two are said to have made peace, exchanged hostages, intermarried and …

8. Arabic became the new lingua franca and Islam quickly replaced Zoroastrianism; mosques were built,[] and many Persians intermarried with Arabs.

9. The Amish may be more vulnerable to recessive inherited conditions because they are descended from a small number of ancestors and tend to intermarry, Tester said

10. Genetically, the Ashkenazi Jews are clearly descended from people of Middle Eastern ancestry who intermarried with Central and Eastern Europeans, as ample studies on …

11. Over the subsequent centuries, Vikings, Saxons, Anglo-Normans, Jews, English, Scots, Spaniards, French Huguenots and many other races came, saw and intermarried with the Celts.

12. The surname Couturier was first found in Limousin, where the family first originated as one of the distinguished families of the region.In Limousin, members of the family intermarried with other important families of the day, such as the Renon family.

13. Washington could not legally sell his wife's "dower slaves" and, because they had long intermarried with his own slaves, he dropped the plan for sales in order to avoid breaking up families, which he had resolved not to do.

14. Although warlike, the Cree were friendly to fur traders, and their history closely follows that of the Hudson’s Bay and North West fur companies.Many Cree people intermarried with the French and later Scottish settlers to form a mixed-blood people known as the

15. Iran’s Azeris, represented in high political offices, large businesses and key economic and social sectors, share cross-border cultural ties with the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkey, intermarry with families in the region, travel to the two countries frequently, watch Azeri and Turkish movies on satellite TV and some view themselves as

16. They recognize that if the people on our Bimahs, in leadership positions, and in the pictures on our walls and on our websites are missing the many faces of Judaism (those who are LGBTQ+, living with a disability, single, BIPOC, intermarried, Jewish-adjacent, working class, etc.), we have created communities of “welcoming” but not

17. Arab-Muslim newcomers intermarried with locals, while locals converted to Islam for convenience or to escape jizya or other discriminatory policies, creating a native Muslim population and a fertile ground for Arabization, as children of mixed descent picked up Arabic, which had a higher status, and converts moved away from their Christian compatriots and intermingled with Arabs.

18. The Basques arrived in Chile in the 18th century from their homeland in northern Spain (see Basque Provinces) and parts of southwestern France, as merchants and due to their hard work and entrepreneurship, rose to the top of the social scale and intermarried into the Chilean elites of Castilian descent.This union is the basis of the Chilean elite of today.

19. Arawak (ä´räwäk), linguistic stock of indigenous people who came from South America and, at the time of the Spanish Conquest, occupied the islands of the Greater Antilles, the Bahamas, Trinidad, and other areas of Amazonia.Before the arrival of the Spanish they were driven from the Lesser Antilles by the Caribs.Most of the Arawak of the Antilles died out or intermarried after the Spanish